欧古轩艺术空间(Ogosian Gallery)
欧古轩艺术空间(Ogosian Gallery)是一家有着海外背景投资创立,崇尚艺术&商业,拥有国际化视野,且不遵循时代的潮流,同时拥有高效执行推进落地及资源整合能力的艺术商业运营机构。
Ogosian Gallery is an art business operation organization with overseas background investment, advocating art & commerce, having an international vision, and not following the trend of the times, and having the ability to efficiently implement the promotion and resource integration capabilities. 
The institutional project is located in the first space of Xiamen & Shenzhen Baoneng, representing the works of outstanding international and domestic contemporary artists. In the spirit of sharing the works of the world's outstanding artists and letting  the art deliver a better life, it focuses on contemporary sculptures domestically and overseas, providing professional art distribution, collection, exhibition, leasing, public art, art engineering, private customization, etc. service. It also focuses on building China's urban art content service provider & China's Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District sculpture art pioneer brand.